
Walkthrough - 0x41haz

Tags: Security, Reversing, binex, radare. Description: Simple Reversing Challenge Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/0x41haz Find the password In this challenge, you are asked ...

Walkthrough - Magician

Tags: CVE-2016-3714, chisel, port forward, tunnel Description: Boot2root machine for FIT and bsides guatemala CTF. Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/glitch Notes sudo nmap -Pn...

Walkthrough - Volatility With Volatility3

Tags: Memory Forensics. Description: Learn how to perform memory forensics with Volatility! Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/bpvolatility Obtaining Memory Samples FTK Imager ...

Walkthrough - Memory Forensics

Tags: Forensics, Memory, Volatility, Security. Description: Perform memory forensics to find the flags. Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/memoryforensics Login The forensic inves...

Walkthrough - KoTH Food CTF

Tags: KoTH, Linux, Sudo, Web. Description: Practice Food KoTH alone, to get familiar with KoTH! Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/kothfoodctf Notes This is room for one of the...

Walkthrough - Hacker vs. Hacker

Tags: Web Foothold, Enumeration. Description: Someone has compromised this server already! Can you get in and evade their countermeasures? Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/hackervsh...

Walkthrough - Dig Dug

Tags: Security, DNS, Dig, CTF. Description: Turns out this machine is a DNS server - it’s time to get your shovels out! Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/digdug Notes Oooh, tu...

Walkthrough - VulnNET-Node

Tags: Linux, Web, Javascript, Privilege Escalation, NPM. Description: After the previous breach, VulnNet Entertainment states it won’t happen again. Can you prove they’re wrong? Difficulty: Easy UR...

Walkthrough - Phishing Emails 5

Tags: Phishing, email, SOC analyst. Description: Use knowledge attained to analyze a malicious email. Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/phishingemails5fgjlzxc Notes What is ...

Walkthrough - Jason

Tags: Security, NodeJS, Deserialization, Web. Description: In JavaScript everything is a terrible mistake. Difficulty: Easy URL: https://tryhackme.com/room/jason Notes We are Horror LLC, we ...