Home nmap Live Host Discovery

nmap Live Host Discovery

Learn how to use Nmap to discover live hosts using ARP scan, ICMP scan, and TCP/UDP ping scan.


Task 1 - Introduction

When we want to target a network, we want to find an efficient tool to help us handle repetitive tasks and answer the following questions:

  • Which systems are up?
  • What services are running on these systems?

Task 2 - Subnetworks

Send a packet with the following:

  • From computer1
  • To computer1 (to indicate it is broadcast)
  • Packet Type: “ARP Request”
  • Data: computer6 (because we are asking for computer6 MAC address using ARP Request)

How many devices can see the ARP Request? 4

Did computer6 receive the ARP Request? (Y/N) n

Send a packet with the following:

  • From computer4
  • To computer4 (to indicate it is broadcast)
  • Packet Type: “ARP Request”
  • Data: computer6 (because we are asking for computer6 MAC address using ARP Request)

How many devices can see the ARP Request? 4

Did computer6 reply to the ARP Request? (Y/N) y

Task 3 Enumerating Targets

What is the first IP address Nmap would scan if you provided as your target?

nmap -sL -n

How many IP addresses will Nmap scan if you provide the following range 10.10.0-255.101-125?

nmap -sL -n 10.10.0-255.101-125 6400

Task 4 - Discovering Live Hosts

Send a packet with the following:

  • From computer1
  • To computer3
  • Packet Type: “Ping Request”

What is the type of packet that computer1 sent before the ping? ARP request

What is the type of packet that computer1 received before being able to send the ping? ARP Response

How many computers responded to the ping request? 1

Send a packet with the following:

  • From computer2
  • To computer5
  • Packet Type: “Ping Request”

What is the name of the first device that responded to the first ARP Request? Router

What is the name of the first device that responded to the second ARP Request? Computer 5

Send another Ping Request. Did it require new ARP Requests? (Y/N) N

Task 5 - Nmap Host Discovery Using ARP

We learn to use a few useful tools here:

  • sudo arp-scan -l will send ARP queries to all IP address on local network
  • sudo arp-scan -I eth0 -l

We will be sending broadcast ARP Requests packets with the following options:

  • From computer1
  • To computer1 (to indicate it is broadcast)
  • Packet Type: “ARP Request”
  • Data: try all the possible eight devices (other than computer1) in the network: computer2, computer3, computer4, computer5, computer6, switch1, switch2, and router.

How many devices are you able to discover using ARP requests? 3

Task 6 - Nmap Host Discovery Using ICMP

We learn a few new flags for Nmap host discovery:

  • -PP tells nmap to use ICMP Timestamp to discover live hosts
  • -PM tells nmap to use ICMP address mask to discover live hosts
  • -PE tells nmap to use ICMP echo to discover live hosts

Task 7 - Nmap Host Discovery Using TCP and UDP

More useful flags

  • -PS# tells nmap to use TCP/SYN ping where # is the port
  • -PA# tells nmap to use TCP/ACK ping
  • -PU for UDP ping

Also masscan can be used for all of the above but need a port specified.

Which TCP ping scan does not require a privileged account? TCP SYN Ping

Which TCP ping scan requires a privileged account? TCP ACK Ping

What option do you need to add to Nmap to run a TCP SYN ping scan on the telnet port? -PS23

Task 8 - Using Reverse-DNS Lookup

By default, Nmap will look up online hosts; however, you can use the option -R to query the DNS server even for offline hosts. If you want to use a specific DNS server, you can add the --dns-servers DNS_SERVER option.

Task 9 - Summary

List of useful commands and options from this room:

Scan TypeExample Command
ARP Scansudo nmap -PR -sn MACHINE_IP/24
ICMP Echo Scansudo nmap -PE -sn MACHINE_IP/24
ICMP Timestamp Scansudo nmap -PP -sn MACHINE_IP/24
ICMP Address Mask Scansudo nmap -PM -sn MACHINE_IP/24
TCP SYN Ping Scansudo nmap -PS22,80,443 -sn MACHINE_IP/30
TCP ACK Ping Scansudo nmap -PA22,80,443 -sn MACHINE_IP/30
UDP Ping Scansudo nmap -PU53,161,162 -sn MACHINE_IP/30

Remember to add -sn if you are only interested in host discovery without port-scanning. Omitting -sn will let Nmap default to port-scanning the live hosts.

-nno DNS lookup
-Rreverse-DNS lookup for all hosts
-snhost discovery only

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