Home Vulnerabilities 101

Vulnerabilities 101

Understand the flaws of an application and apply your researching skills on some vulnerability databases.


Task 1 - Introduction

  • What vulnerabilities are
  • Why they’re worthy of learning about
  • How are vulnerabilities rated
  • Databases for vulnerability research
  • A showcase of how vulnerability research is used on ACKme’s engagement

Task 2 - Introduction to Vulnerabilities

NIST defines a vulnerability as “weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source”.

There are arguably five main categories of vulnerabilities:

Operating SystemThese types of vulnerabilities are found within Operating Systems (OSs) and often result in privilege escalation.
(Mis)Configuration-basedThese types of vulnerability stem from an incorrectly configured application or service. For example, a website exposing customer details.
Weak or Default CredentialsApplications and services that have an element of authentication will come with default credentials when installed. For example, an administrator dashboard may have the username and password of “admin”. These are easy to guess by an attacker.
Application LogicThese vulnerabilities are a result of poorly designed applications. For example, poorly implemented authentication mechanisms that may result in an attacker being able to impersonate a user.
Human-FactorHuman-Factor vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities that leverage human behaviour. For example, phishing emails are designed to trick humans into believing they are legitimate.

Answer the questions below

An attacker has been able to upgrade the permissions of their system account from “user” to “administrator”. What type of vulnerability is this?

  • operating system

You manage to bypass a login panel using cookies to authenticate. What type of vulnerability is this?

  • application logic

Task 3 - Scoring Vulnerabilities (CVSS & VPR)

CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System

Advantages of CVSSDisadvantages of CVSS
CVSS has been around for a long time.CVSS was never designed to help prioritise vulnerabilities, instead, just assign a value of severity.
CVSS is popular in organisations.CVSS heavily assesses vulnerabilities on an exploit being available. However, only 20% of all vulnerabilities have an exploit available (Tenable., 2020).
CVSS is a free framework to adopt and recommended by organisations such as NIST.Vulnerabilities rarely change scoring after assessment despite the fact that new developments such as exploits may be found.

VPR Vulnerability Priority Rating

Advantages of VPRDisadvantages of VPR
VPR is a modern framework that is real-world.VPR is not open-source like some other vulnerability management frameworks.
VPR considers over 150 factors when calculating risk.VPR can only be adopted apart of a commercial platform.
VPR is risk-driven and used by organisations to help prioritise patching vulnerabilities.VPR does not consider the CIA triad to the extent that CVSS does; meaning that risk to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data does not play a large factor in scoring vulnerabilities when using VPR.
Scorings are not final and are very dynamic, meaning the priority a vulnerability should be given can change as the vulnerability ages.Intentionally left blank.

Answer the questions below

What year was the first iteration of CVSS published?

  • 2005

If you wanted to assess vulnerability based on the risk it poses to an organisation, what framework would you use? Note: We are looking for the acronym here.

  • VPR

If you wanted to use a framework that was free and open-source, what framework would that be? Note: We are looking for the acronym here.

  • CVSS

Task 4 - Vulnerability Databases

Answer the questions below

Using NVD, how many CVEs were submitted in July 2021?

  • 1585

Who is the author of Exploit-DB?

Task 5 - An Example of Finding a Vulnerability

Answer the questions below

What type of vulnerability did we use to find the name and version of the application in this example?

  • Version Disclosure

Task 6 - Showcase: Exploiting Ackme’s Application

Answer the questions below

Follow along with the showcase of exploiting ACKme’s application to the end to retrieve a flag. What is this flag?


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