Home Walkthrough - CTF Collection Vol. 1

Walkthrough - CTF Collection Vol. 1

Testing CTF Skills


Task 2 What does the base said?

Can you decode the following?


  • Base64 Decode

Task 3 Meta meta

  • exiftool findme.jpg

Task 4 Mon, are we going to be okay?

  • stegseek extinction.jpg

Task 5 Erm……Magick

  • check white text

Task 6 QRrrrr

  • zbarimg QR.png

Task 7 Reverse it or read it?

  • strings hello.hello

Task 8 Another decoding stuff

  • base58 -d base58

Task 9 Left or right

  • caesar cipher

Task 10 Make a comment

  • view page source

Task 11 Can you fix it?

Task 12 Read it

  • google TryHackMe rooms Reddit

Task 13 Spin my head

  • https://www.dcode.fr/brainfuck-language

Task 14 An exclusive!

  • https://www.dcode.fr/xor-cipher

Task 15 Binary walk

  • 7z x hell.jpg
  • cat hello_there.txt

Task 16 Darkness

  • get and install Stegsolve 1.3 by Caesum
  • java -jar stegsolve.jar
  • adjust the color filters with the arrows at the bottom

Task 17 A sounding QR

  • zbarimg QRCTF.png
  • QR-Code:https://soundcloud.com/user-86667759/thm-ctf-vol1

Task 18 Dig up the past

Targetted website: https://www.embeddedhacker.com/ Targetted time: 2 January 2020

  • Wayback machine (internet archive)

Task 19 Uncrackable!

  • https://www.dcode.fr/vigenere-cipher

Task 20 Small bases

  • https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/


  • decimal > hexidecimal > ascii
  • https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-ascii.html

Task 21 Read the packet

  • Follow TCP stream in wireshark and Follow HTTP stream in wireshark to read.

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