The Great Escape
This is my writeup for the Tryhackme box that can be found here. There are three different flags for us to find, and a few hints that we will be attacking a docker container, so we will have to escape that and also get onto the machine by penetrating the webapp.
Considering this is a medium level CTF I’ll assume that the reader has general knowlege of Kali Linux and its suite of tools.
A Simple Webapp
Starting off with nmap port and service scans we find a couple open ports, 22 ssh and 80 http.
| http-robots.txt: 3 disallowed entries
|_/api/ /exif-util /*.bak.txt$
I am going to add this host to the hostfile for ease of use during the encounter: escape.thm
I am also going to add this to the burp target scope so we can then run feroxbuster through the burp proxy.
Checking /robots.txt
we find a few things to check out.
User-agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /api/
# Disallow: /exif-util
Disallow: /*.bak.txt$
Goign to fuzz the /exif-util for extensions that end in .bak.txt
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 100 -u http://escape.thm/exif-util/ -x bak.txt --exclude-length 3834 -b 503
Here I am scanning with gobuster inside of /exif-util
for the extension .bak.txt
and excluding the noise which was length 3838 and the status codes 503.