Home THM Empline

THM Empline

The Great Escape

This is my writeup for the Tryhackme box that can be found here. There are three different flags for us to find, and a few hints that we will be attacking a docker container, so we will have to escape that and also get onto the machine by penetrating the webapp.

Considering this is a medium level CTF I’ll assume that the reader has general knowlege of Kali Linux and its suite of tools.

A Simple Webapp

Starting off with nmap port and service scans we find a couple open ports, 22 ssh and 80 http.

| http-robots.txt: 3 disallowed entries 
|_/api/ /exif-util /*.bak.txt$

I am going to add this host to the hostfile for ease of use during the encounter: escape.thm.

I am also going to add this to the burp target scope so we can then run feroxbuster through the burp proxy.


Checking /robots.txt we find a few things to check out.

User-agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /api/
# Disallow: /exif-util
Disallow: /*.bak.txt$

Goign to fuzz the /exif-util for extensions that end in .bak.txt

gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 100 -u http://escape.thm/exif-util/ -x bak.txt --exclude-length 3834 -b 503

Here I am scanning with gobuster inside of /exif-util for the extension .bak.txt and excluding the noise which was length 3838 and the status codes 503.

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